Gender Nonsense on both sides of the pond. The Left moves to destroy families in…
Not Just Dan, but everyone is noting some strange facts in this whole affair that…
Not that Biden will get Impeached or anything like that. We do need a real…
Leftist Run DOJ Exposed As Corrupt Organization Protecting Hunter and His Father, Our Ultra-Bribed and…
Subway is now shuttering a huge number of stores, and new reports reveal that the…
Was Epstein a Deep State Asset, there to extort the wealthy so they do as…
Under my policy, the United States government will tell Big Pharma that we will only…
Senator Paul is a man of integrity. He has issues with Trump not firing Fauci,…
How would your budget be affected by a $2 increase in the cost of a…
Today’s Super-Thread on Covid Well, surprise, surprise. Emails Show Biden Admin KNEW Vaccines Didn’t Stop…
The Post-Tucker Carlson Era: Fox News Ratings Take a Tumble When Tucker Carlson, the Fox…
Tens of thousands of children are alive today because Roe v. Wade was overturned For…
Like Most Leftists and Hollywood types, the man lives in his own twisted Democrat plantation…
The nightmare in the retail sector never seems to end, and now Amazon, the second…
Thank God no Jared or Ivanka this next time. Trump knows to keep all on…
It is all a scam on America. This will be crafted to hide the bribes…
As the Leftwing Censorship establishment at Google and YouTube continue to delete anyone, no matter…
How dare this man defend Trump! That is what this is….Pure dictatorship move in California. …
Comer is known in the past to not do much. He sure is talking a…
Nations and now states in the US are now outlawing the sexual abuse, redefined as…