These deviant low lives in public life are accepted and promoted with voter fraud as long as they do as they are told. The more insane the background, and disgusting, the more likely they are 100% owned by the Deep State and will have total support until they say get lost to make room for those that help their fake narratives better in their media. A media over 55% of the nation no longer have any trust in
Russian TV showing a naked paedophile, Hunter Biden, snorting cocaine while in company of young girls.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) July 9, 2023
The FBI’s deception led to censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story. – Attorney General Andrew Bailey (see below)
Remember, this started with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Many in the federal government probably knew it was real, but people tried to convince Americans that it wasn’t.
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) July 7, 2023
Remember when the FBI took possession of Hunter Biden’s crime laptop and buried it so it wouldn’t hurt Joe Biden’s election chances and then when word got out that a story was gonna drop on it they went to social media sites and told them to censor it? – Jesse Kelly
.@tolmanbrett: After what’s been revealed on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Does he look like the type of person that deserves a deferral?
— The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) July 8, 2023
Trump to Don Jr: If you ever have a laptop like Hunter Biden's, I will never speak to you again. Eric, that includes you. 🤣
— Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 (@PU28453638) July 5, 2023
Comments – Threads – Links
- Hunter Biden should be in prison for life and all Wealthy ,Gov,Celebrities,Politicians should get life in prison just to start with the mass evil to protect all children of the world.Americans should be willing to war against all pedos than a dam Ukraine war Mary Alvarez
- Our President of the United States of America, Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden are both PEDOPHILES. There is clear photo and video footage of Hunter with young children and Joe smelling children. This is not a conspiracy theory. Why doesn’t our politicians and government agencies do something about this?? – Solomon Engel
- Biden didn’t know he was being recorded – listen to him sniff a child like some Pedo… – Whatfinger Daily