“Three blind mice. Three blind mice. See how they run. See how they run…” The recent testimonies of the three university presidents (Claudine Gay of Harvard, Sally Kornbluth of MIT, and [soon to be departed?] University of Pennsylvania’s Liz McGill) concerning their inaction about endemic anti-Semitism on their campuses have probably done more damage to higher education than any recent event in memory. (And note there was not a white, male, heterosexual supposed oppressor to be found among the enlightened). We know they know they failed because two at least clumsily tried damage repair over the next few days that only confirmed their initial stupidity. And a herd of other scared university presidents suddenly have now issued their own memoranda professing their supposed zero tolerance politics for anti-Semitism on campus.
Still, do not believe that any are too sincere given they remain for now still more afraid of their DEI/woke/hard left faculty and students than they are of alumni, donors, or us the taxpayers. But note the following: 1) The three blind mice could not even lie well. Like nearly all contemporary university presidents, they have long revoked admissions, suspended students, or relieved faculty from teaching for any language, expression, or advocacy they considered incorrect, which translates as anything not compatible with wokism or DEI. Invoking ‘freedom of speech’ to disguise their moral cowardice is pathetic when they have never on their campuses believed in freedom of speech. One incorrect word about someone trans, a misplaced pronoun, or a clumsy reference to a non-white student, and the offender would be punished immediately—followed by the usual performance-art, virtue-signaling, “this is not who we are”/“there is no place for such hatred on this campus” memo from a careerist dean or bully provost. Instead, they have excused their censorship by arguing that in their campus enclaves, as in a corporation, they have the right to set their own codes of behavior—without taxpayers subsidies. But the issue is not so much “free speech”, but the equal application of rules and laws. Continued below this fast clip
Beware… even red states have this woke cancer encroaching into them. At the maternity clinic we go to in Little Rock, AR they have this nonsense on the wall. I guess they expect us to go along with it, but I refuse. Stop celebrating mental illness America – only real women can… pic.twitter.com/QkrzZCMhh0
— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) December 7, 2023
These presidents adhere to systemic prejudice, in which free speech and rules of behavior are predicated on ideology as well as race and ethnicity. Worse still, they cloak such neanderthal reactionaryism in gobbledygook progressive platitudes. In their ridiculous white-oppressor/non-, white-oppressed reductionist world, advocating the destruction of Israel, and the Jewish people with it, is no big deal. Indeed, it pays dividends among their DEI and foreign student constituencies. So they are upset not that they have de facto institutionalized anti-Semitism to such a degree that it is now inviting physical assaults on their own students, but that they have been caught and called out on it. Bottom line: the nation learned that these people don’t care about their own campuses cheering on mass rape, mutilation, and beheading or calling for the extinction of Israel and all the Jews in it, because Jews as whites are on the wrong side of their victim/victimizer DEI binary, and suffer the additional wage of anti-Semitism.
There is no career upside in their twisted worlds in defending Jews in Israel—or anywhere—from precivilizational barbarism. 2) All of these elite university presidents supposedly were once top scholars, seasoned faculty, and experienced deans and provosts. In other words, they are the purported best and brightest of what academia now has to offer us. And it turns out to be not much at all. Note in minutes they were utterly eviscerated by Republican congressional representatives with no such academic credentials, but with plenty of intelligence, logic, street smarts and common sense acquired from politics or business or non-academic experience. When the president of Harvard or MIT is rendered a moral pygmy and intellectual lightweight by our local congressional representatives, it warns us of what higher education has become and perhaps reminds why academics should be kept as far away from governance as possible. (Professors—e.g., a Woodrow Wilson or Barack Obama—usually have proved poor if not dangerous presidents). After such skilled grilling, we owe a great deal of respect for the abilities and moral sense of these Republican House members. 3) The only reason the three showed any remorse or the next day tried to reset, was transitory fear of financial consequences, as in being blamed for a temporary drop-off in donations.
But that reality underscores that we the people do have power over even our elite and private universities and can rescue them from themselves, if we understand that those who feign a supposed disdain for money are the most eager to acquire it, as we saw with the Bankman-Fried trio. In other words, the taxpayer can reign in a Harvard or MIT—should the U.S. government condition billions of dollars in annual subsidies to campuses on non-discriminatory policies, reconsider tax-exemptions for university giving, tax their endowment income until higher education is truly disinterested and non-partisan, and remove the government from the $2 trillion student loan racket that ensures tuition inflation, administrative bloat, and generations of youth suffering from arrested development. – Victor Davis Hanson
Comments – Threads – Links
- Beware… even red states have this woke cancer encroaching into them. At the maternity clinic we go to in Little Rock, AR they have this nonsense on the wall. I guess they expect us to go along with it, but I refuse. Stop celebrating mental illness America – only real women can get pregnant! Ben B (Clip is on top in article)
- The woke crowd loves to talk about white privilege, but they never seem to mention the majority of American combat deaths are young white men. Was it a privilege to bleed to death on the beach on D-Day? Was it a privilege to die in the jungles of Vietnam. End the nonsense! Clip at Twitter
- Woke Disney is digging its own grave.. See video below. They are pushing their gay and woke ideology on us. Hollywood hates us. That’s the only logical explanation for why it’s hellbent on pushing woke nonsense and remakes no one asked for. Even audiences abandoning once-beloved franchises isn’t enough to stop the madness.
- Trump won 2020. Biden is a corrupt and illegitimate Trojan vegetable. Democrats are getting their ass handed to them in every single demographic in every poll because America is sick of their destructive woke Marxist nonsense. Christian nationalists built this country and we’re going to take it back from the godless communist scum currently infesting it. – Insurrection Barbie
- What the inclusive woke nonsense is this see vid clip below
As we witness strife and turmoil across the globe, the message of God’s Gang shines brighter than ever, urging us to pursue acceptance over conflict. Watch the full episode and SHARE with your friends and family. The world needs to see this example of friendship & coexistence. pic.twitter.com/ZB9GS7RP0m
— God’s Gang (@godsganggo) October 19, 2023