UK Moves Further Into Dictatorship. Parents Can Be Forced To Pay For Trans Abuse of Their Children, Including Surgery and Drugs to hurt Their Development and Suppress their Nature
The United Kingdom finds itself amidst a heated controversy surrounding a proposed law that not only curtails parental authority in cases involving transgender children but also mandates parents to financially support their children’s transitioning. While the United States grapples with debates over parental notification and authority, the UK takes a step further by potentially criminalizing parents who refuse to use alternative pronouns or withhold financial support for transitioning.
Michigan has passed a law to make misgendering and using the wrong pronouns a felony, with a $10,000 fine. House Bill 4474 passed the Democrat-controlled House and would make it a hate crime to make someone trans or non-binary “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened” with words- including by deliberately using the wrong pronouns. Oli London
The interpretation put forth by the police implies that parents who do not comply with using alternative pronouns for their children or refuse to fund their transitioning could face criminal prosecution. The UK’s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) now includes “withholding money for transitioning [and] refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun” under the definition of abusive conduct.
I really don’t care about trans people’s feelings when they are mentally unstable. 🙄 Do you? “I genuinely think people don't realize how deeply microaggressions & misgendering affect trans people in every facet of life so here's a tiny example”. 🤮🤡 👑🐝 #factassin
— Murphy’s Law a.k.a. the Queen Bee (@aka_theQueenBee) July 9, 2023
This means that parents who have familial or religious objections to their child’s transitioning would be legally obligated to provide financial support for operations or treatments they deem immoral. While the guideline acknowledges that this list is not exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for identifying potentially criminal behavior.
Requiring parents to fund operations or treatments that go against their deep-seated religious convictions is concerning and unjust. However, a spokesperson for the CPS reinforced their stance, stating, “domestic abuse is a severe crime and leaves victims with a lasting impact… This assists prosecutors to ensure that any victim, regardless of who they are, can get justice for the abuse they have faced.”
A transgender self-identification law has been blocked at the last minute in Germany over fears it will be abused by criminals trying to escape punishment – Telegraph
This development in the UK is part of a broader trend that erodes free speech and religious rights, including the criminalization of so-called “toxic ideologies” in English courts. It challenges the traditional notion that “a man’s house is his castle” and that individuals have the right to sanctuary within their own homes, as articulated by Sir Edward Coke in The Institutes of the Laws of England in 1628. The sentiment was later reinforced by William Pitt, the first Earl of Chatham, who stated, “The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail – its roof may shake – the wind may blow through it – the storm may enter – the rain may enter – but the King of England cannot enter.”
This is a major victory for children and families across our state! I’m proud of the work we have done to protect children from dangerous life-altering decisions, and I am certain this will have a positive effect on Tennessee for generations to come. Jack Johnson
However, with the proposed law treating the misuse of pronouns or failure to financially support a child’s transitioning as equivalent to physical child abuse, the protection of individual freedoms within the home seems to have diminished. As the definition of abuse broadens, the state gains greater control over family affairs and relationships. Moreover, leaving the enforcement of this “Non exhaustive” list to police discretion further undermines the long-standing protection of internal family matters. The concern arises as to what the limiting principle will be when the state continues to define an increasingly wide range of conduct as child abuse. The default assumption expressed by Pitt appears to have been reversed in the United Kingdom.
The ongoing controversy in the United Kingdom highlights the delicate balance between parental authority, individual rights, and state intervention. It raises important questions about the boundaries of governmental power and the impact on family dynamics. As the debate continues, it is crucial to consider the potential consequences of limiting parental autonomy and the implications for personal freedoms within the home.
The Other Side: Here is how the Marxist Left is showcasing this topic. Quite pathetic, is it now? Using all the key fake news call words
Moms for Liberty has ties with far-right Proud Boys and has been designated “extremist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Also, “Moms” doesn't speak for parents of school kids who aren't on board with book banning and bullying trans kids.
— Gene Bryant (@GeneBryant2) July 5, 2023
Get it?
If you are against porn in schools rammed down your child’s throat – you are for ‘book banning’ – How retarded are these Marxists? Their use of what Tucker and most of the Right now call a hate group – the Southern Poverty Law Firm, as their references, is insane. You know where it is going as everyone who is a Conservative a/or Patriot is hated by this group. Sgt Pat
Major Points:
- The United Kingdom is facing a controversy over a proposed law that limits parental authority in cases involving transgender children.
- The law would require parents to financially support their child’s transitioning, even if they have religious or familial objections to it.
- Police interpretation suggests that parents who refuse to use alternative pronouns or withhold financial support could face criminal prosecution.
- The UK’s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service now includes withholding money for transitioning and refusing to use preferred pronouns as examples of abusive conduct.
- This controversial law challenges the traditional notion of individual freedoms within the home and raises concerns about the erosion of free speech and religious rights.
Comments – Threads – Links (all sides)
- Tennessee Law Protecting Kids From Trans Procedures To Take Full Effect After Court Victory – Daily Wire
- In a big win for protecting children, U.S. Appeals Court upholds ban on medical procedures for ‘trans‘ youth. – Becker News
- A Kansas judge has ruled that the law defining sex to exclude trans people must be executed by the governor, that drivers licenses for trans people must have their assigned sex at birth. This could result in trans people’s drivers licenses being reversed in the coming weeks. – Erin Reed
- I am proud that I was part of this. While the irresponsible publicly financed German TV is still propagating transgender ideology, we helped to ensure that “no debate” is over. And so far the government did not manage to pass its pernicious “Self-ID” law. – European Conservative – Uwe Steinhoff
- A transgender woman, the owners of an independent bookstore and a teacher are among those challenging Montana’s first-in-the-nation law that bans people dressed in drag from reading to children in public schools or libraries. – NBC News
- LEADING LEFTIST THOUGHT: How does an anti-trans law get made? Leaked emails show how activists and powerful right-wing organizations pressure Republican lawmakers to create some of the most restrictive bills around the country. –Mother Jones
- German trans self-ID law that would allow people to change gender without medical diagnosis is blocked at the last minute over fears criminals could abuse it to escape prosecution – Daily Mail