His sick crack-head ‘smartest person I know’ son Hunter calls him Pedo Pete. Is this not a sickness or what?
This man showered with his own daughter. This man is the worst President of the U.S. The Deep State is the lowest of the low for installing this man in the White House.
UPDATE: Looks like someone is playing games with us all – see the Twitter Note under the video. Biden gets a small pass on this one – Sgt Pat
Did you see this?
Biden didn’t know this woman was recording and you can hear him aggressively sniff her small child
This is not normal
This is a child predator with the nuclear codes
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 8, 2023
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson
Why does Joe Biden's family privately refer to him as
"Pedo Peter"?pic.twitter.com/aXzqk4ZW9C
— Linda Marie Lovison (@lilo623) July 8, 2023
Sound of Terror. pic.twitter.com/PH1hORIW1S
— MAZE (@mazemoore) July 8, 2023
Comments – Threads – Links
- Read Ashley Biden‘s diary about her inappropriate showers with her dad. And Hunter listing Joe as “Pedo Peter” in his iPhone. Joe Biden is a monster. God must be watching out for his 4-year-old granddaughter in Arkansas. Who (truly evil) Joe & Jill refuse to even acknowledge. – Mike Davis
- Joe Biden caught on recording sniffing young girls again….. close up and disgusting…… what a pervert get this guy out of here…. – Isaacs Army
- Joe Biden was in control of the Pay to Play corruption. Being referred to as the “Big Guy” denotes control. Joe used his crackhead son to get it done. And “Pedo Pete”? Hunter’s disrespect for daddy Joe and everything he represents. – Juanita Broadsrick
- Are people even remotely curious about why Hunter referred to his own Dad by the sarcastic nickname “Pedo Peter” on his own now-verified laptop? Even a little bit? What if this was never about JUST covering up the treason and the massive foreign bribes? What if Joe Biden is a pedophile? – Brian Cates
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