The man just says it all… What we think, he says. Which is why they hate the man. So much Alex in this post – let’s call it the Super-Thread of Alex Jones facts/rants
ALEX JONES speaking his mind 👇👇
— Keith Truther 🩸🩸🏴🎥📷🥕🥬🥦🌽🍅🥥 (@Keithpoker1) July 2, 2023
If You Listened to Alex Jones,
Then You Knew 3 Years Before
The Main Stream News Media
That Covid Came From Lab Leak.🇺🇸 Alex Jones Was Right 🇺🇸#alexjoneswasright #alexjones #lableak #Fauci #faucifiles #warroom #owenshroyer #covidwars #newswars #infowars #alexwasright…
— INFOWARS USA (@InfoWars_tv) July 1, 2023
Infowars has been ringing the alarm for decades about the eugenics industrial complex!
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed – Alex Jones' Special Report#TeamHumanity #NoAmnesty #Nuremberg2— Timothy Lassley / enemy of all eugenicists (@TiMLassley) June 30, 2023
Alex Jones: “Phone Call Proves Biden Under Communist Chinese Control” 6/30/23
— Paul Kikos 🌐 (@PKikos) July 3, 2023
Atrazine in the water supply in amounts that they allow will turn people literally gay… Remember when Alex Jones was trying to tell everybody they were turning the frogs gay.. – CLIP
🚨🚨🚨 Alex Jones Was Right
~~~Clip Date 1/23/2022🚨 NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL: Group of Top European Scientists Have Confirmed Pfizer Covid Vaccine was a Giant Biological Weapons Test!
BOMBSHELL 6/28/23 Link 👇👇👇
— INFOWARS USA (@InfoWars_tv) June 29, 2023
And Alex was right way back in 2002 – you know, when he was only known as a Conspiracy guy’. All of these conspiracies are now true or coming true or admitted at this point.
Alex Jones dropping absolute truth bombs way back in 2002!
💣💣💣— Bret 🍁 (@Bret_Sears) July 1, 2023