Who are you going to believe? The Weather Channel founder and professionally trained meteorologist John Coleman or shameless grifter John F. Kerrey who married and remarried into wealth?
Oh, and are those carbon emissions particulates that have settled beneath Kerry’s eyes or is that just a weird health issue?
More on Climate Change and Global Warming
Our past super-thread has all of the clips you need, as well as info, to ALWAYS win any debate with a fake science reality denier who spouts off on Global Warming or Climate Change.
- The Climate Change – Global Warming hoax – WOW! – Super-Thread on Topic.. Win ANY debate on topic
- Also – if you want to see how the Left and Fake News lies with stats in EVERY article on global warming or climate change – see this fast vid. You will never fall for any BS again. see:
My Gift To Climate Alarmists – See this and NEVER fall for fake Global Warming Science again. This is how they fake the stats in EVERY ARTICLE DAILY – Fast Vid
- “Club of Rome” and their “Limits of Growth” are the original depopulation organization – Green hydrogen: takes HUGE amounts of nuclear energy to split H2 and O2 to create hydrogen fuel. – EV’s also take HUGE amounts of nuclear energy to charge the batteries – Nuclear reactors getting turned off around the world – 2000-7000% increase in mining required to make the batters – via child slave labor or diesel heavy equipment – Resist CBDC
- “Every single prediction they’ve ever made has been wrong.” Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, blows the UN’s “human-induced climate change” propaganda completely out of the water. “They still haven’t, after 30 years, shown us that human emissions [of CO2] drive global warming.” “There’s been a relentless campaign of propaganda for 30 years, and the basics haven’t been shown.” – Wide Awake Media (see clip below)
“Every single prediction they’ve ever made has been wrong.”
Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, blows the UN’s “human-induced climate change” propaganda completely out of the water.
“They still haven’t, after 30 years, shown us that human emissions [of CO2] drive global warming.”… pic.twitter.com/YhwHOTxdX8
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) November 26, 2023
- Stanley Johnson—the elitist, depopulation obsessed father of Boris Johnson—admits it’s “part of the national plan” that the peasants will no longer be able to fly, under the incoming ‘carbon allowance’ system. “If that means, actually, some of us are told ‘well you can’t go on a plane’, that’s fine. That’s part of the national plan.” – Wide Awake Media (clip at Twitter)
- Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: “There is zero evidence that a CO2 increase in the atmosphere is the cause of rising temperature. None whatsoever.” – Wide Awake Media – full interview is linked below
Greenpeace’s Ex-President – Is Climate Change Fake? – Patrick Moore | Modern Wisdom Podcast 373
“We are going down a very dangerous path, but it’s a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives.”
Sen. Ron Johnson drops a barrage of truth bombs—about Covid, Event 201, the WHO, the globalist takeover plan… pic.twitter.com/z27k9GIlXx
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) November 24, 2023